Wednesday, January 14, 2009

7 mile city walkin blues

what a day it has been already. its only 11:08am.
i never like agreeing with stereotypes, but it is
official. i am a starving artist. i am out of money until
friday as of yesterday. the buses to work run me up $5
roundtrip everyday. i walked 7 miles to work this
fine wednesday morning.
where am i going with this. . . .
first off, my legs fucking hurt.
secondly, you know the leeds mattress adverts? i saw about 5
of these along the way and i feel they are getting away
with selling mattresses using my image.
just because i am lazy does not give them the right
to make me the poster child for sleeping.

in other news, this is what my legs feel like. . . .

i did get some cool mail today.
from my family over at aaron brothers up in auburn where i worked for about a year.
they sent me a big box full of housewarming things. like candles and a harmonica, a blue pineapple candle lamp thing and a cd and 2 bags of balloons.
which brings us to . . . .

balloons watch porn too.

i draw balloons a lot. for whatever reason, i think they are hilarious.
i have over a hundred glimpses into the everyday lives of balloons. I am looking into publishing their stories right now.
**no, thats not a joke.

send me pictures! i want to start posting all of your drawings too. maybe like once a week, post a batch of fan art. if you dont want to be a fan, then say so. but still,
email your crap to
and i'll let you know when its going up.
sounds like fun yahhh?

back to work.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

tuesday? more like boozeday.

i want to kill my neighbor. i have 16 dings on my door from his stupid truck.
blue paint n all. is ding really even a word?

after i discovered that, i was locked in my apartment. seriously.
45 minutes wrestling with the fucking doorknob before we ended up just ripping it out of the door.
oops, this is completely irrelevant to anything.
all i'm saying is, tuesday should be called boozeday.


Monday, January 12, 2009

big monday post

2:26 pm
on a monday
encino, ca.

who gives a shit about it?
there is so much graffiti in north hollywood.
these b.a.m.f.'s waddle around in their cool clothes and
scribble their "signature scribble" on a brick wall, or the ground,
or a dumpster.
"hey guys, this here dumpster is MYYY dumpster."
there's an alley behind my apartment, and some guy wrote
"our alley . . ." and then trailed off into some sig. scribb. .
i'm debating writing is very clear letters "mine too, we are friends now."
maybe a little winking smiley face.
i'm gonna start tagging cool things, like tires, starbucks cups, dog turds and tennis balls.
sleeping homeless ladies, bus drivers, flowers and roadkill.
i already have a signature scribble.

ok. here are a few others from the last day or so. . . .

* * *i dont condone words like these. i voted no on 8.
it's the devil talking, thats all. . . .
* * *

lastly, i leave you with some old papers i found in my box labeled "shit".
