i never like agreeing with stereotypes, but it is
official. i am a starving artist. i am out of money until
friday as of yesterday. the buses to work run me up $5
roundtrip everyday. i walked 7 miles to work this
fine wednesday morning.
where am i going with this. . . .
first off, my legs fucking hurt.
secondly, you know the leeds mattress adverts? i saw about 5
of these along the way and i feel they are getting away
with selling mattresses using my image.
just because i am lazy does not give them the right
to make me the poster child for sleeping.

in other news, this is what my legs feel like. . . .

i did get some cool mail today.
from my family over at aaron brothers up in auburn where i worked for about a year.
they sent me a big box full of housewarming things. like candles and a harmonica, a blue pineapple candle lamp thing and a cd and 2 bags of balloons.
which brings us to . . . .

balloons watch porn too.
i draw balloons a lot. for whatever reason, i think they are hilarious.
i have over a hundred glimpses into the everyday lives of balloons. I am looking into publishing their stories right now.
**no, thats not a joke.
send me pictures! i want to start posting all of your drawings too. maybe like once a week, post a batch of fan art. if you dont want to be a fan, then say so. but still,
email your crap to
and i'll let you know when its going up.
sounds like fun yahhh?
back to work.
i can't believe you walked, holy shit!!!!!!